H.H. MacKenzie - Chapter #3 - Disabled American Veterans - Roanoke, Virginia



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Health Benefits Glossary


The veteran's ability to obtain health care. The ease of access is determined by the availability of health care services and their acceptability to the veteran, the location of health care facilities, transportation, hours of operation, and cost of care. Efforts to improve access often focus on providing/improving health coverage.


A veteran's right to challenge VA's administrative decision to deny a benefit.


A veteran who has applied for enrollment in the VA health care enrollment system.

Catastrophically Disabled

Individuals who have a severely disabling injury, disorder, or disease which permanently compromises their ability to carry out the activities of daily living to such a degree that they require personal or mechanical assistance to leave home or bed, or require constant supervision to avoid physical harm to self or others.

Chronic Care

Long term care of individuals with long standing, persistent diseases or conditions. It includes care specific to the problem as well as other measures to encourage self-care, to promote health, and to prevent loss of function.


A specific dollar amount of a covered health service expense for which a veteran is responsible to pay.


A veteran who has been rated by VA as being service-connected and who receives monetary benefit.

Congressional Appropriation

Funding allocated by Congress to the Department of Veterans Affairs for the provision of health care services to eligible veterans.

Contract Provider

Any hospital, skilled nursing facility, extended care facility, individual, organization, or agency that VA has a contractual agreement with for the provision of services.

Covered Benefit

A VA determined medically necessary service that is specifically provided for under provisions of regulations issued to implement the Veterans' Health Care Eligibility Reform Act of 1996. A covered benefit must always be medically indicated, but not every medically necessary service is a covered benefit.


Involuntary discontinuation of enrolled status.


A veteran who has been accepted for care.


The process designed to provide access for veterans to a comprehensive package of VA health care services.

Means Test

A measure of the veteran's family income and assets.

Medical Benefits Package

A comprehensive package of VA outpatient services provided to enrolled veterans.


Medical need is defined as a need for care or a service that will promote, preserve, or restore health. A treatment, procedure, supply, or service is considered medically necessary as determined by the veteran's health care provider and in accord with generally accepted standards of clinical practice.


A veteran who has been rated by VA as being 0% service-connected, but receives no monetary benefit.


An eligible veteran who has been discharged from active military duty and does not have an illness or injury that has determined to have been incurred in or aggravated during military service.

Outpatient Care

Also called ambulatory care. Many surgeries and treatments are now provided on an outpatient basis, while previously they had been considered reason for inpatient hospitalization.

Palliative Care

Provision of care to relieve symptoms.

Preferred Facility

A VA health care location identified as the health care facility at which the veteran prefers to receive primary care. A preferred facility is any VA health care location - e.g., VA Medical Center or Community-Based Outpatient Clinic.

Preventive Care

Health care which emphasizes prevention, early detection, and early treatment.

Primary Care Provider

The clinician assigned by the veteran's preferred facility responsible for the supervision, coordination, and provision of medical care. The primary care provider may initiate all referrals for specialty care.

Promote Health

Enhancing quality of life or daily functioning level.

Public Law 104-262

A public law passed by Congress in October 1996, also known as the Veterans' Health Care Eligibility Reform Act of 1996. This law expanded many of the services available to veterans, and required that most veterans be enrolled to receive care.


The process of sending a veteran from one practitioner or location of care to another for health care services. The primary care provider may need to authorize a referral for specialty services.

Restore Health

Restoring quality of life or daily functional level that has been lost due to illness or injury.

Rolling Enrollment

Acceptance of applications and enrollment at any time during the year with the assignment of an individual enrollment term of one year.


Refers to a VA decision that your illness or injury was incurred in or aggravated during active military service.


The application form used to apply for enrollment.

(Source - Department Of Veterans Affairs)

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