H.H. MacKenzie - Chapter #3 - Disabled American Veterans - Roanoke, Virginia



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Means Testing

Certain nonservice-connected veterans are required to fill out the financial worksheet, which we refer to as the "Means Test." A means test is a gathering of financial information by which VA determines your priority group for enrollment, and whether or not you are required to make copayments for the service you receive. The means test is based on prior year income and net worth. However, you can apply for an exemption from paying those copayments to avoid a hardship if projections of your income for the current year will be substantiall below the applicable income threshold. 

Should you decline to complete the Financial Worksheet, you must agree to pay the applicable copayment unless you are otherwise eligible for VA care. We would be unable to determine your priority and therefore could not offer you enrollment. It is possible, if you do not want to complete the Financial Worksheet, to declare yourself as a Discretionary Veteran. This means that you would accept placement in priority group 7 for enrollment and if enrolled you would be accepting responsibility for making the required copayments.

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(Source - Department Of Veterans Affairs)

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